Chapter 2

Chapter 2: What to do? How to do?

  Actually, what’s the point of going to school if it has such a low efficiency? On the other hand, it is possible to organize studies in a different way, so that it is a pleasure. Of course, this should be a very good school. And then we will see what “good” school means compared to “bad” one. You ask how to achieve it? In a very simple way. You need to know answers to 7 basic questions that are revealed in the next chapter. You will find out what kind of requests the school has from parents, from the state, and from other customers-stakeholders, who, alas, are pulling education in their own way. It is important to understand which school parents prefer the most, strict or soft? After all, if you don’t think about it, then in 12 years you can get quite different result that was expected. But already nothing can be changed. Read the next chapter and enjoy!